Foods to be consumed by women in advance to avoid mood swings during periods!!

Not only are periods (menstruation) difficult for women, but the days leading up to periods also!!

Truth is that women would experience mood swings even before their periods begin. From mild irritation to feeling of sadness or anxiety etc, a woman might experience mood swings.

Mood swings can be due to hormonal changes that occur during periods. There are also others such as lifestyle choices like diet that would trigger mood swings.

It must be noted that by consuming certain foods before the periods begin women would be able to avoid their mood swings. Various such foods are

Green leafy vegetables:

It must be taken into account that leafy green vegetables like spinach, kale, fenugreek etc are rich in magnesium. It is known that this mineral would help in mood control. It has been published in the National Library of Medicine journal that magnesium would lower the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome or PMS like irritability and mood swings etc.

Fatty fish intake:

It has been brought to light by research that fatty fish intake would lower inflammation and is responsible for positive effects on mental health. The reason for that was due to the presence of omega 3 fatty acids in fatty fishes like salmon, mackerel etc. By consuming omega 3 fatty acids, women would be able to manage mood swings associated with PMS.

Nuts and seeds intake:

Essential fatty acids and magnesium etc are present in almonds, walnuts, flaxseeds and pumpkin seeds etc. Neurotransmitter functions would be supported by these nutrients. By this, mood would get stabilised and PMS symptoms would be reduced.

Whole grains intake:

It is believed that whole grains like brown rice, oats, quinoa etc would provide a woman with complex carbohydrates. By this, the serotonin levels in the brain would get increased. A sense of well being and low mood swing would be promoted in women.

Fermented foods intake:

It would be superb for a woman to consume fermented foods like yoghurt, kefir etc having probiotics that would support gut health. By this, women would have a healthy gut microbiome.  Anxiety and depression symptoms associated with PMS would be alleviated.

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